Prof. Dr. Bezen Balamir Coşkun

Bezen Balamir Coşkun is an international relations scholar at TED Univeristy Ankara. She is passionate to bring in the human factor into foreign policies and actions.

Interview with

Hosting institute

Profile according to FFVT taxonomy


Q1. Who are you?

I am an international relations scholar. Currently I am teaching at the Global Citizenship program of TED University (Turkey). I have received my PhD in International Relations from Loughborough University (UK) and my Masters degree in Development & International Studies from Aalborg University (Denmark). Pre-doctoral internships  at SIPRI & UNU-CRIS become very influential on the formation of my academic career. Since the very beginning of my academic career, I have been trying to bring human factor in understanding state actors’ foreign policies and actions. In this context, my research concentrates on forced migration & refugees from the perspective of human security.


Q2. What was your motivation to apply for the FFVT fellowship? Why Germany?

The focus of my work is women refugees and the practice of Women Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda. I conducted an initial research on the case of Turkey. I was thinking about to inquire another national case for comparative study. In this context, Germany is a prefect case by receiving the highest number of refugees among European states and by focusing on efforts to improve WPS practices. By providing short term fellowships to work closely with the experts on forced migration, FFVT Fellowship enables me to visit FFVT centers dedicated to forced migration research. The fellowship also enables me to conduct a field research in Germany. The flexible, interdisciplinary networked approach of the FFVT and their openness to different perspectives were the main motivations for me to apply FFVT fellowship.


Q3. What do you expect from the fellowship?

My main expectation from the fellowship is to make strong connections with scholars and practitioners from Germany and beyond thanks to international fellows of FFVT network. For me working with like minded colleagues and fellows with different disciplines is extremely important. In my view this is not just a 3-months fellowship but it is a channel for life-long professional network of people who have similar cares and concerns about people who had no choice but leave their homes and homelands.


Q4. What is the focus of your work, and what is innovative about it? / What are your planned outcomes and activities for the fellowship period? And how do they relate to your FFVT hosting institution/ the FFVT cooperation project?

My research covers the issues that are crucial for a WPS agenda with regard to refugee and asylum frameworks in Germany. My research is innovative by placing emphasis on WPS agenda in evaluating women refugees’ place in national refugee regimes. In this context I am expecting to working with experts and colleagues from FFVT network to develop my research agenda and conduct expert interviews with researchers and practitioners who work with women refugees and asylum seekers in Germany.