Asresahegn Birhanu Gelaw

Asresahegn Birhanu Gelaw is a PhD candidate at Addis Ababa University and Lecturer at Debre Markos University, Ethiopia.

Interview with

Hosting institute

Profile according to FFVT taxonomy


Q1. Who are you?

My name is Asresahegn Birhanu Gelaw. I am a PhD candidate at Addis Ababa University and Lecturer at Debre Markos University.

Q2. What was your motivation for applying for the FFVT fellowship? Why Germany?

I was highly motivated to apply for the FFVT fellowship with BICC, as the Centre’s work on refugees and migration is closely linked to my studies in Ethiopia on the integration of refugees. FFVT will allow me to expand my network in forced migration studies with its affiliated organisations not only in Germany, a country that has hosted millions of refugees and migrants, but all over the world.

Hopefully, I will have the opportunity to write journal articles and policy papers and participate in events organised by BICC.

Q3: What do you expect from the fellowship?

I expect my fellowship at BICC will provide me with the opportunity to expand my knowledge, skill and experiences in research. BICC’s resources such as its library are helpful to complete my studies on refugees and migration in Ethiopia. I am looking forward to participating in seminars and academic and policy-related discussions among researchers in the FFVT project, policymakers and other stakeholders to advance my insights and my research. In discussions and seminars, I will be happy to share my experiences related to refugees and migration particularly in Ethiopia and South Sudan.

Q4. What is the focus of your work, and what is innovative about it? / What are your planned outcomes and activities for the fellowship period? And how do they relate to your FFVT hosting institution/ the FFVT cooperation project?

During my stay at BICC, I will focus on writing on the integration of refugees and conflicting relation with the host community in Ethiopia with the goal to publish this in international journals. In addition, I will write a policy paper on the national Comprehensive Refugee Response Strategy in Ethiopia. If time allows, I will participate in organising an event focusing on the current situation in Ethiopia. All activities are directly related to the FFVT project and BICC as they focus on disseminating knowledge and creating opportunities for research networking related to refugees and migration.