Online Discussion

April 4, 2022

As a result of the war in the Donbas in 2014 and intensified since the direct Russian attack on Ukraine in February 2022, five million people are on the run - both within the country and out of Ukraine. FFVT on point takes a closer look at this flight movement and asks how this heterogeneous group is composed, where the people are taking themselves to safety and which reception and support structures are emerging and becoming active here alongside those of the receiving states and international organisations. FVVT on point thus focuses on aspects that have not been central to previous media and academic analyses of the refugee situation in order to present a more differentiated picture of the flight to and from Ukraine.

Focal points

  • Heterogeneity of refugees, displaced persons and their escape routes

  • Flight and displacement within Ukraine: the Internal Displaced Persons (IDPs)

  • Reception in Germany beyond state structures: A post-Soviet welcome culture?


Moderator: Dr. Marcel Berlinghoff, FFVT, IMIS

FFVT on point will take place in German and English via Zoom Meeting.

Registration under

The event will be recorded. The speakers' contributions (without the subsequent discussion) will be published on the FFVT YouTube channel. By attending the event, you agree to the recording and publication. Please turn off your camera and mute your microphone during the first part of the event.

About FFVT on point

FFVT on point is a series of events that serves as an irregularly recurring platform for the discussion of current, public-relevant topics in refugee research. The aim is to contribute to an evidence-based social and political debate on flight and migration through dialogue between researchers and actors from politics, administration, the media and the public.

Monday, April 4, 2022
17:00 - 18:30
FFVT on point: Forced Migration in and out of Ukraine – some (lesser known) facets
  • Dr. Viktoriya Sereda, UCU Lviv / IKK Jena

  • Prof. Dr. Jannis Panagiotidis, RECET University Vienna

  • Dr. Franck Düvell, FFVT, IMIS, University of Osnabrück

 Moderation: Dr. Marcel Berlinghoff, FFVT, IMIS